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Business Office

The Governor Mifflin School District is committed to providing each student, every day, with the attitudes, skills and knowledge to be successful in tomorrow’s world.

The business affairs department oversees all financial matters throughout the school system. The department is responsible for developing the annual budget, receiving revenue, coordinating supply and equipment purchases and accounting for all expenditures. In addition, the business office supports the educational process through the coordination of transportation, custodial/maintenance services, food service and data processing. The business affairs department is accountable for the fiscal soundness of the school district.

The Governor Mifflin community is directly impacted by the decisions made by the school district. If you have ideas on how the district can generate revenue or reduce costs, please email your suggestions to the Governor Mifflin Business Office.


Contact Us

Kelly Price

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


Elaine Snyder

Accounting Supervisor



Jennifer Petricoin

Business Services Specialist


Donna Schlouch

Accounts Payable and Purchasing Specialist


Stefanie Sherman

Payroll Specialist