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Transportation Expectations

In accordance with GMSD Board Policy 810.2, students who ride on buses to and from school are expected to conduct themselves in such a way that they will be free of criticism from anyone. They must respect the drivers and not abuse the buses or furnishings. The possession and consumption of food and drink is strictly prohibited. This accommodation is provided by the School District and should be considered a privilege and a courtesy. The Board authorizes the district’s use of video and audio recording on school buses and school vehicles for disciplinary and security purposes. Each School bus and school vehicle that is equipped with video and audio recording equipment contains a clearly posted notice informing drivers and passengers of the potential for video and audio recording.

According to the State Code, students may be assigned seats on the bus and, in case of misbehavior, students may be deprived of transportation for a duration of time to be determined by the offense or number of offenses.

Students riding the bus are required to comply with the following rules and regulations:
  • Be on time at your assigned bus stop

  • You may only ride your assigned bus

  • The bus driver reserves the right to assign seats

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself

  • Do not put body parts out the bus window

  • Do not throw anything out of the bus window, or inside of the bus

  • No use of external speakers

  • Remain in your seat for the duration of the ride

  • Take everything with you when you leave the bus

  • Follow instructions given by the bus driver