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Extracurricular Activities

Our students benefit from a range of extra curricular activities.  These opportunities allow them to strengthen their bodies and minds, broaden their social circles, and expand their imaginations as they explore their interests. To learn about the extracurricular activities offered at your child’s school, contact the main office. 

Please Note:
To participate in extracurricular activities students must consistently abide by the Code of Conduct while maintaining: high academic standards, consistent attendance, and good citizenship. Students must be signed in at the attendance office before 9:20 participate in any extracurricular activities.  Students absent from school may not participate in any school activity held the day of the absence, including sports or other extra-curricular activities and programs.

Students serving a day of in-school suspension (ISS) or out of school suspension (OSS) are not eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities on the same date.