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Prohibited Items

GMSD is committed to providing a safe and conducive learning environment for all students, staff, and visitors. To ensure this, the following items are strictly prohibited on all district property, including school buildings, grounds, buses, walking to and from the school bus stop, and during any school-sponsored activities, whether on or off-campus.

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to, any weapons or dangerous instruments such as firearms, knives, pepper sprays, explosives, and any item designed to inflict harm or simulate a weapon.

Additionally, any form of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices are strictly banned. Items that could disrupt the educational process or pose a safety threat, such as fireworks, laser pointers, and noise-making devices, and blankets are not allowed.

The use or possession of obscene, inflammatory, or hate-related materials, including but not limited to images, literature, and clothing, is also prohibited.

The district also restricts the possession and use of personal electronic devices during instructional time unless expressly permitted by a teacher for educational purposes.

Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include suspension, expulsion, and/or legal consequences. The district reserves the right to inspect and confiscate prohibited items to maintain the safety and integrity of the school environment. Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss these rules with their children to ensure compliance and support our commitment to a safe and respectful educational setting.