School Board
The Governor Mifflin Board of School Directors is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe learning environment
Governor Mifflin Board of School Directors
The decisions made by your School Board greatly influence the quality of student educational programs and services. As an elected body, Board of School Directors can best represent you when you make your interests and opinions known. We encourage you to become involved in school activities at the building level and to attend Board meetings.
Nine members of the Governor Mifflin community serve on its Board of School Directors for four-year terms. As officials of the state of Pennsylvania, they are elected at large from the five municipalities comprising the school district. School directors receive no salary or other compensation for their work, which is estimated by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association to require a minimum of 20 hours a month for a total of 30 working days a year. The Board is a legislative rather than an administrative body.
A segment of each board meeting is allotted for constituents to speak to the Board. To address the Board, you must fill out a yellow Citizen’s Request card, placed at the entrance to the board meeting room, and submit it to the Board Secretary prior to the start of the board meeting. Please stand, state your name and identify any group you may represent. Remarks are not to exceed 3 minutes in length. You may have questions that cannot be answered immediately and will take some research and discussion. The Board and/or administration will try to have an answer communicated to you as soon as possible.
Executive sessions are not open to the public and are called to discuss personnel, real estate transactions, student discipline, discussions with legal counsel and review of records exempt from public inspection. No final action on these matters may be taken by the Board in Executive Session.
Personnel or Personal Matters
In the interest of personal privacy and fairness, it is best to refrain from discussing personnel or personal matters at an open Board meeting. A conference with the appropriate school official is usually the best procedure. Or, you may choose to contact a Board member who will then refer the matter to the Superintendent. In some cases, you may wish to write the Superintendent or a School Board member discussing your particular concern. You will then be contacted and every effort will be made to resolve the problem.
Superintendent's Evaluation
The evaluation of the district superintendent is a critical responsibility of the board of school directors. The evaluation tool that is used is based on the PSBA Superintendent Performance Evaluation. The superintendent is evaluated on each of six objective performance standards. They include Student Growth and Achievement; Organizational Leadership; District Operations and Financial Management; Communication and Community Relations; Human Resource Management; and Professionalism. The overall performance rating is to be made available to the public at the completion of the performance review.